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The Orith'Vashal
The Wolf
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The Satanic Empire of Enki
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
About The Wolf
Now Playing: Spineshank: New Disease
Topic: The Wolf

Name: The Wolf

Age: 18

Height: 6 foot 2 inch's

Piercings: 11 total, 4 in each ear, 2 in lower lip, 1 in tongue

Tattoo's: 2, one on each arm (im not done yet)

About The Wolf: I from the time I was born was forced to be a Christian, I was forced into that evil religion until I was about 14 years of age.  At the age of 15 me and my good friend The Dragon decided to start up a group of people, that is set on changeing the world for the better. We dubbed this group the Orith'Vashal.  Regretfully the area we were both in and with the little access to the outside world (so to speak) it was near imposible to recruite members.  Not to long ago both The Dragon and I gave our selves to the one and true god and ruler, Fauther Satan, Enki!  Afterwords we started to make changes in the Orith'Vashal.  Changes that will better suit the members and Lord Enki.  If you feel you are tired and sick of the way the world has become, if you feel you want to make a difference, if you wish for your bloodline to grown and prosper in a new world were there is no starvation, fighting, curruption,stealing,killing,lieing,rape,etc... Then please feel free to take the quiz to see if you are what we are looking for.  You will see the link on the upper left hand side of this page.  But please take the test seriously, dont just fuck around and put bullshit answers.  This is a serious matter, and you could help in bettering the world.


Posted by the-wolf-of-enki at 1:12 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 16 July 2008 9:22 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 1 January 2002
The path to complete world peace.
Now Playing: KoRn: Thoughtless
Topic: The Orith'Vashal

First of I would like to introduce myself, I am The Wolf.  Obviously that is not my real name but untill i get to know you that is all you will know.


I am one of the two founders to the Orith'Vashal, the other founder to the Orith'Vashal is none other than The Dragon.  The Dragon is the Supreme Councilor of Time, and also the current Emperor, but you can read more about The Dragon on his site

Basicly the main ruling body of the Empire will be the Supreme Council consisting of 13 members, including the Emperor. Each member represents a chakra and an aspect of existance. The Emperor represents the aspect of Time and the Crown chakra. The chakras represented by the Supreme council are the main 7, the Temple, Shoulder, and Hip chakras. The teir below that are the Speakers, 4 per councilor. Below that are the Rerepresentatives to the People, 11 per councilor. Following that are the lesser councils, they follow the same pattern as the supreme council. This is important NO POSITION IS INHERITED, NOT EVEN EMPEROR, IT MUST BE EARNED!!

Posted by the-wolf-of-enki at 1:00 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 15 July 2008 11:17 PM CDT
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