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The Orith'Vashal
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Questions and comments
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Question I
Now Playing: Seether: Fake It
Topic: The Orith'Vashal
Question I (Gordon Gunn)-Have you joined Hells army here on the jos..We want the same as you, I myself
have lots of Ideas but I am apprehensive in sharing them with you at this




Answer I-Gordon Gunn, I am happy to hear you are both willing to do something about the world, and apprehensive to share any of what you are planning, sometimes keeping knowledge to yourself is the best thing you can do.
But were as in the end we are both on the same team, we may have different ways of trying to get to our goal on earth.
Now i dont know what the  Hells Army on jos wish's to do on gaining our goal but I am sure it is different than the Orith'Vashal's method, you see peace is a lovely thing, the thought of not haveing to worry about anything is magnificent, but there is only one true way to gain ultimate peace and that is threw war. Now dont get me wrong, I would love for it to be that simple, but it isnt.
We are going to have to take what is ours, we are going to have to build a force so great that it will strike fear into the hearts of our enemy's.  We are going to have to fight and bleed and die to make this world into what it should be, we can no longer just sit back and talk. We have to take action, we have to face the world in its current state and shake it. There is but only one way to accessing World Peace, and that is threw War.
Now as i said before feel free to go to my site and take the quiz to see if you are what we are Looking for, just leave your answers in the comments and I will message back to tell you your results. And please feel free to comment me about what you think.

May Satan Have you and Keep you
Hail Satan

Posted by the-wolf-of-enki at 6:58 PM CDT
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